'Birth Undisturbed' is an award-winning fictional narrative series by British photographer Natalie Lennard. Travelling through the world and history to depict birth from ancient to modern, and squalid to famous, the series depicts stories of woman both real and imagined. Using images and video to examine mainstream birth ideology, the artist strives to speak a new language by bringing key figureheads and writers from the realm of birth philosophy into cinematic and compelling stories.
About the Artist
Natalie Lennard (b. 1986) also known as Miss Aniela, is a fine-art and commercial photographer whose work has been exhibited in the Saatchi Gallery, Houses of Parliament and Waldermarsudde Museum Sweden, and regularly featured in international media including BBC World, NY Arts, and El Pais. Her distinctive vision has fused classical with modern to create an intricate balance of contemporary creativity exhibited and published extensively worldwide for the past 15 years. She began 'Birth Undisturbed' to focus on a biosocial topic with a unique and memorable impact. Full CV.